Adult ADHD Testing

How to Get an ADHD Test for Adults

ADHD testing for adults is an effective way to diagnose the disorder and develop a suitable treatment plan. Learn more about this testing process and what you can expect from ADHD Testing.

Understand How ADHD is Diagnosed.
The diagnosis of ADHD requires a comprehensive evaluation by a qualified healthcare professional. The process typically involves completing questionnaires and self-assessment tools, as well as physical exams and interviews to determine if ADHD symptoms are present. Medical tests to rule out other possible causes of the symptoms must also be performed before any diagnosis is made.

Study Your Family History and Observe Your Behavior.
One of the best ways to start your ADHD diagnosis is by studying your family history and observing your own behavior. If ADHD runs in your family, it is important to look for symptoms that are consistent with the disorder. It may also be helpful to observe yourself and take note of any behaviors that appear to be signs of inattention or hyperactivity. These can include having difficulty focusing, fidgeting, being easily distracted or forgetful, or impulsive behavior.

Visit an Experienced Psychologist for Diagnostic Testing.
Adult ADHD is similar to the disorder in children, but it tends to be a bit more complex due to its intersection with other mental illnesses and substance abuse. Therefore, it is important to consult an experienced healthcare provider like Caliper Wellness for an accurate diagnosis. During the visit, you will likely be asked to answer questions about your history, such as when symptoms started and how they affect your daily functioning. You may also be asked to complete questionnaires or take part in other diagnostic tests. The results of these tests will help determine if you are exhibiting the signs of adult ADHD. Caliper offers ADHD testing online and visits through telemedicine.

Get Accurate Results with a Comprehensive Evaluation.
A comprehensive evaluation for ADHD will include a series of assessments such as psychological tests and questionnaires. Additionally, we may ask you to report information on your current symptoms and improvements or deterioration over time. A complete test looks into reports from significant others in order to create an individualized treatment plan. Since adults present with different situations than children, accurate diagnosis is key in getting the right help when it comes to managing symptoms and addressing any underlying issues.

Confirm the Diagnosis and Explore Treatment Options.
After conducting an ADHD test, we confirm a diagnosis and have discussions with you about treatment options. We will also discuss lifestyle strategies such as proper nutrition, creating healthy sleep habits, setting achievable goals, managing stress levels, and finding support from family and friends.

If you suspect you have adult, ADHD, schedule a consultation to see if ADHD testing is appropriate.