ADHD (Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder) is typically diagnosed by a healthcare professional, such as a physician, psychologist, or psychiatrist. The process of diagnosis usually involves a comprehensive evaluation that includes a medical history, physical examination, and behavioral assessments.

Caliper Wellness performs Connors CPT 3 and Connors CATA to assess attention-deficient disorders.  Our team of health care providers performs ADHD testing for adults and children over the age of 8.

Caliper Wellness offers ADHD Testing via telemedicine in Florida and New York.

Adult ADHD Testing

Adult ADHD Testing

Adult ADHD is different from ADHD in children. Adult ADHD is characterized by symptoms such as difficulty with attention, impulsivity, and hyperactivity that persist into adulthood. Adult ADHD can also present differently than in children, with symptoms such as forgetfulness, disorganization, and emotional dysregulation becoming more prominent. Additionally, adults with ADHD may have co-occurring mental health conditions such as anxiety or depression. Diagnosis and treatment of adult ADHD can also differ from that of ADHD in children.

We offer Connors CPT 3 and Connors CATA ADHD Testing for patients in Florida and New York.  Currently, we provide ADHD testing to patients in Florida and New York via a remote session, allowing you to get the testing you need at your convenience.

ADHD Testing

ADHD Testing for Children

The exact cause of ADHD in children is not fully understood. Research suggests that a combination of genetic and environmental factors may play a role. Genetic factors may include variations in certain genes that affect brain development and function, while environmental factors may include exposure to toxins, such as lead, during pregnancy, low birth weight, and premature delivery. Brain injury, infection, and certain psychological or social factors may also play a role in the development of ADHD. Additionally, some studies suggest that there may be a link between ADHD and imbalances in certain chemicals in the brain called neurotransmitters. However, more research is needed to fully understand the underlying causes of ADHD.

We offer Connors CPT 3 and Connors CATA ADHD Testing for children over the age of 8 in Florida and New York.  Currently, we provide ADHD testing to patients in Florida and New York via a remote session, allowing you to get the testing you need at your convenience. 

Looking for ADHD Testing?

Schedule a 15-minute consultation to discuss ADHD Testing.